text.editing User’s Manual

text.editing User’s Manual

This manual is for text.editing version 0.1.0.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

The text.editing library provides protocols and implementations of those protocols for text editing operations which are required by, for example, text editors or commandline processors (like REPLs). Some of the concepts and naming used in this library are inspired by Emacs but the functionality should be generic enough to be build other kinds of Editors as well. This library relies on the Cluffer library for the fundamental concepts of buffers, lines and cursors.

The functionality provided by this library includes:

The text.editing library does not provide:

2 Concepts

This section defines a few concepts that are important for the text.editing library and describes how they relate to each other. The following figure illustrates some of the concepts and their relations:


Figure 2.1: Examples of important concepts and their relations for a single buffer.


A buffer is conceptually a sequence of lines, each of which contains a sequence of items and zero or more attached cursors.

The text.editing library does not provide an implementation of the buffer concept or associated protocols. Instead, it uses the protocols and classes provided by the Cluffer library. It does, however, provide mixin classes like multiple-site-mixin that are intended to be used in user-defined buffer classes.


A cursor is an object that is attached to a buffer line before the first item, after the last item or between two adjacent items.

Some cursors like the distinguished point and mark cursors are visible to and controlled by the user while others are used programmatically. Editing operations generally accept one or more cursor arguments to indicate to which location or region of the buffer the operation should be applied.

The text.editing library does not provide an implementation of the cursor concept or associated protocols. Instead, it uses the protocols and classes provided by the Cluffer library.


The point is a distinguished cursor within each site which specifies the buffer location at which the next editing operation issued by a user will be performed.


The mark is a distinguished cursor within each site that has multiple purposes:

  • Mark cursors can be used to save buffer locations and return to them later.
  • Together with the point cursor, the mark cursor can specify a region within the buffer on which operations can be performed.

The mark cursor of a site can be either active or inactive.


An operation changes the buffer content and/or state of sites in a particular way, usually depending on the values of one or more parameters.

For example, the move operation changes the buffer positions of the point cursors of all sites according to the specified unit and direction arguments.


If a site has an active mark cursor, the sequence of items between the point cursor and the mark cursor forms the region. Operations can be performed on the region using the region unit. The specified sequence of items is the same regardless of which of the two cursors is closer to the beginning of the buffer.


Units are a way to designate particular sub-sequences of the sequence of all items in a buffer, often relative to the point cursor. For example, the word unit refers to a sequence of non-whitespace, non-punctuation characters that follow (or precede depending on the specified direction) the point cursor.


A site ties together pieces of data that are required for performing consecutive editing operations around a specific “location”, or site, in a buffer. The most important piece of data is the point cursor which makes precise the notion of a buffer “location”. Other pieces of data include the “preferred” column of the point cursor, an optional mark cursor, a mark stack and an insertion stack.

The main reason for storing this data in a dedicated site object instead of directly in a buffer is the possibility of allowing simultaneous editing at multiple sites in a buffer. From the perspective of an editor user, each site would typically appear as a cursor (with its own point, mark, insertion stack, etc.) which would generally act as if it were the only cursor in the buffer (disregarding effects that arise from sites being too close together or overlapping).

Each buffer has exactly one primary site and zero or more secondary sites. Secondary sites are added and removed by certain operations. A secondary site and the primary site can switch roles since the invariant that the associated buffer has to have exactly one primary site is preserved by that operation.

Mark Stack

A mark stack is a stack which contains former mark cursors of a site. Typical operations on the mark stack include pushing a mark cursor that corresponds to the location of the point cursor onto the mark stack and later popping the entry “into” the point cursor. This combination of operations allows remembering buffer locations and returning to them later.

Insertion Stack

The insertion stack is a stack the elements of which are recently copied or killed sequences of buffer items which are available for insertion into a buffer. “Kill” and “yank” operations push to and pop from this stack.

This concept is similar to the “Kill Ring” in Emacs with the following differences:

  • As the name suggests, the Emacs kill ring can grow to a maximum number of items after which it will start discarding the least recent elements. In practice however, Emacs is often configured to keep a practically unlimited number of kill ring elements. The insertion stack is unlimited by default.
  • The Emacs kill ring is global by default and has to be restricted to a local context for extended functionality like editing with multiple cursors. In contrast, each insertion stack is local to a specific site by default.

2.1 Units

Sites, units and operations are the basic concepts from which most desired behaviors can be constructed.

  • The site controls where the operation is applied via the point and possibly mark cursor. The site also provides additional context such as the history of previous operations, the mark stack and the insertion stack.
  • The unit, together with the point cursor and possibly the mark cursor, controls to which buffer items the operation should be applied. Many operations accept a direction argument which also influences the processed items.
  • The operation selects the basic behavior.

Here are a few examples (see Equivalent Emacs Commands for more examples):

OperationUnitDirectionArgumentsEquivalent Emacs command
moveitemforwardforward-char (C-f)
moveitembackwardbackward-char (C-b)
movewordforwardforward-word (M-f)
movewordbackwardbackward-word (M-b)
movelineforwardnext-line (C-n)
movelinebackwardprevious-line (C-p)
deleteitemforwarddelete-char (C-d)
deleteitembackwarddelete-backward-char (<backspace>)
deletewordforwardkill-word (M-d)
deletewordbackwardbackward-kill-word (M-<backspace>)
deletelineforwardkill-line (C-k)
deletelinebackwardkill-line with 0 prefix (C-0 C-k)
change-casewordforward:capitalcapitalize-word (M-c)

The key observation is that operations, units and directions are mostly orthogonal. In other words, new operations and units that are defined independently should still work together just fine in most cases. This relative independence is achieved via the apply-from-cursor function which applies a given item-wise operation to a sub-sequence of buffer items specified as a unit and a direction.

2.1.1 Built-in Units

The following units are provided by the text.editing library by default. Users of the library can define additional units.

edit:bufferbuffer-unitThe whole buffer.
edit:buffer-boundarybuffer-unitAn empty sequence at the beginning or end of the buffer.
text.editing.expression:expressionunitA sequence of buffer items that correspond to a node in a syntax tree associated with the buffer.
edit:itemunitA single item, usually a character, in a buffer.
edit:lineline-unitA line within a buffer.
edit:line-boundaryline-unitAn empty sequence at the beginning or end of the line.
edit::pageprose-unitnot documented
edit:paragraphprose-unitA sequence of items delimited by two newlines.

The beginning and end of the buffer also delimit paragraphs.

edit:regionregion-unitThe sequence of characters between point and mark.

It does not matter whether point or mark is closer to the beginning of the buffer.

text.editing.expression:region-or-expressionregion-orThe sequence of characters between point and mark or the innermost expression containing point.

Like the ‘region’ unit if the mark is set and active, otherwise like the ‘expression’ unit.

edit:region-or-itemregion-orThe sequence of characters between point and mark or a single item.

Like the ‘region’ unit if the mark is set and active, otherwise like the ‘item’ unit.

edit:semi-bufferbuffer-unitThe sequence from the cursor to one end of the buffer.
edit:semi-lineline-unitThe sequence from the cursor to the beginning or end of the line.
edit:sentenceprose-unitA sequence of word and whitespace items that is delimited by punctuation.

The beginning and end of the buffer also delimit sentences.

text.editing.expression:toplevel-expressionexpressionThe sequence of buffer items that correspond to the toplevel expression node in a syntax tree associated with the buffer.
edit:wordprose-unitA sequence of items that does not contain whitespace or punctuation characters.

The beginning and end of the buffer also delimit words.

The hierarchy of built-in unit classes looks like this:

3 External Protocols

This chapter describes the external protocols provided by the text.editing library.

3.1 Detach Protocol

This protocol is used to sever connections between sites (and associated objects) and buffers when those objects should no longer be associated with the respective buffer.

Generic Function: detach [text.editing] (object)

Detach object from any buffer or line it is currently attached to.

3.2 Unit Protocol

Function: all-units [text.editing]

Return a sequence of all defined units.

Generic Function: apply-from-cursor [text.editing] continuation cursor unit direction

Repeatedly call continuation until the sub-sequence of buffer items indicated by cursor, unit and direction has been processed.

continuation is a function the lambda list of which has to be compatible with (cursor item). The function will be called for each item in the indicated sub-sequence with a cursor that is positioned before or after the item as the first argument and the item as the second argument. cursor is positioned before item if direction is :forward and after item if direction is :backward.

unit is the unit in or at or around cursor that continuation should be applied to. Examples of units are item, line, word and paragraph.

direction is the direction in which the processing should be performed from or around cursor. Possible values are :forward and :backward.

Generic Function: item-transformer [text.editing] transform direction

Return a function that transforms items via transform when passed to apply-from-cursor.

transform is a function that accepts an item as its sole argument and returns an item (either the item passed to it or a new item).

direction specifies the direction for which the returned function will be valid. In other words, when the returned function is passed to apply-from-cursor, that call has to use the same value for the direction argument as the call to this function.

3.3 Site Protocols

This section describes protocols related to sites and mixin classes that provide default implementations of those protocols.

3.3.1 Insertion Stack Protocol

This protocol allows querying and manipulating the entries of an insertion stack. This protocol is not concerned with buffers, sites or cursors. See Copy and Yank Operations for a higher-level protocol on top of this one.

Class: insertion-stack-empty-error [text.editing]

This error is signaled when an attempt is made to retrieve an entry from an empty insertion stack.

Generic Function: forward [text.editing] insertion-entry

Return the sequence of items that have been added to insertion-entry by forward deletion operations such as cluffer:delete-item and cluffer:join-line.

Generic Function: (setf forward) [text.editing] new-value insertion-entry

Set the sequence of items for forward deletion operations of insertion-entry to new-value.

Generic Function: backward [text.editing] insertion-entry

Return the sequence of items that have been added to insertion-entry by backward deletion operations such as cluffer:erase-item.

Generic Function: (setf backward) [text.editing] new-value insertion-entry

Set the sequence of items for backward deletion operations of insertion-entry to new-value.

Generic Function: insertion [text.editing] insertion-entry

Return a sequence of items that should be inserted into a buffer to conceptually insert insertion-entry into that buffer.

The returned sequence is the concatenation of the items of the “forward” and “backward” sequences of insertion-entry in the appropriate order.

Generic Function: entry-count [text.editing] insertion-stack

Return number of insertion entries in insertion-stack.

Generic Function: top-entry [text.editing] insertion-stack

Return the top entry in insertion-stack or nil.

The forward, backward and insertion functions can be applied to the returned object.

Generic Function: find-entry [text.editing] index insertion-stack

Return the entry at index in insertion-stack.

The forward, backward and insertion functions can be applied to the returned object.

Generic Function: push-entry [text.editing] insertion-stack

Add a new entry to insertion-stack and return the new entry.

Generic Function: pop-entry [text.editing] insertion-stack

Remove the top entry from insertion-stack and return the removed entry.

If insertion-stack is empty, signal an error of type insertion-stack-empty-error.

3.3.2 Preferred Column Protocol

The purpose of this protocol is tracking in which column the point cursor of a site should be placed when the cursor repeatedly moves vertically (between lines) without other movement or operations.

Generic Function: preferred-column [text.editing] site

Return the column number in which the point of site should reside by default or nil.

The point cursor should be placed in that column or the rightmost existing column of the current line when the point cursor moves between lines without moving within any line.

Generic Function: (setf preferred-column [text.editing)] new-value site

Set the column number in which the point of site should reside by default to new-value.

A default implementation of this protocol is provided by the following mixin class:

Class: preferred-column-tracking-mixin [text.editing]

This class is intended to be mixed into site classes that track preferred column of the point cursor.

3.3.3 Operation History Protocol

The purpose of this protocol is recording the sequence of operations that have been applied to a given site. This allows the command processor or certain operations, for example, to take into account the previous operation. Examples:

  • Some operations behave differently when repeated such as setting the mark twice to first set the mark then deactivate it.
  • The command processor may track runs of deletion operations to collect the deleted items into a single insertion stack entry.
  • The command processor may track runs of insertion, deletion or modification operations to create undo groups from multiple primitive operations.
Generic Function: most-recent-operation [text.editing] site

Return the most recent operation of site or nil.

Generic Function: push-operation [text.editing] operation site

Push operation into the operation history of site.

operation should be a list of the form (operation-name . arguments) where operation-name is a symbol that names an operation function.

A default implementation of this protocol is provided by the following mixin class:

Class: operation-history-mixin [text.editing]

This class is intended to be mixed into site classes that track the history of performed operations.

3.3.4 Site Protocol

The site protocol extends the Detach Protocol, that is, sites can be detached.

Generic Function: point [text.editing] site

Return the point cursor of site.

The returned object is a Cluffer cursor

Generic Function: mark [text.editing] site

Return the mark cursor of site.

The returned object is a Cluffer cursor.

Generic Function: mark-active-p [text.editing] site

Indicate whether the mark cursor of site is active.

Generic Function: (setf mark-active-p) [text.editing] new-value site

Change whether the mark cursor of site is active.

new-value is a generalized Boolean.

Generic Function: mark-stack [text.editing] site

Return the mark stack of site.

Generic Function: insertion-stack [text.editing] site

Return the insertion stack of site.

The returned object implements the Insertion Stack Protocol.

3.4 Buffer Protocols

This section describes protocols for buffers and mixin classes which provide default implementations of the protocols. The described protocols are extensions of the Cluffer protocols for buffers in the sense that objects which are used with the protocols described here must also implement the Cluffer protocols. Similarly, the mixin classes are intended to be mixed into classes that are also subclasses of the buffer classes provided by Cluffer.

3.4.1 Primary Site Protocol

Generic Function: site [text.editing] buffer

Return the primary site of buffer.

The generic functions point and mark defined in the Site Protocol work on buffers as well. The return value is the primary point cursor and the primary mark cursor respectively.

3.4.2 Multiple Sites Protocol

The following condition types are used in the multiple sites protocol:

Class: singular-site-error [text.editing]

This error is signaled if an operation that requires multiple sites is performed on a buffer that contains only a single site.

An implementation of this protocol is provided by the class

Class: multiple-site-mixin [text.editing]

This class is intended to be mixed into buffer classes that can contain zero or more secondary sites in addition to the primary site.

The protocol consists of the following generic functions:

Generic Function: site-count [text.editing] buffer

Return the total number of sites that are attached to buffer.

The returned count includes the primary site.

Generic Function: map-sites [text.editing] function buffer

Call function with each site that is attached to buffer.

Generic Function: sites [text.editing] buffer

Return the sequence of all sites which are attached to buffer.

Generic Function: add-site [text.editing] site buffer

Add site to the sites of buffer.

Return site.

If the point cursor or the mark cursor of site is associated with a buffer other than bar, an error is signaled.

If site is already one of the sites that are attached to buffer, signal an error.

Generic Function: remove-site [text.editing] site buffer

Detach site and remove it from the sites of buffer.

Return site.

If site is not one of the sites that are attached to buffer, signal an error.

If site is the primary site of buffer, signal an error.

Generic Function: push-site-at [text.editing] buffer line position

Create a new site at line and position and attach it to buffer.

line and position control the location of the point cursor of the new site.

Return the new site.

Generic Function: push-site-relative [text.editing] buffer unit direction

Create a new site relative to the primary site and attach it to buffer.

unit and direction control the location of the point cursor of the new site. The new point cursor starts at the location of the primary point cursor, then moves according to unit and direction.

Return the new site.

The attempt to move the new point cursor the specified location may result in an error. In that case, the new site is not attached and the error is signaled.

Generic Function: pop-site [text.editing] buffer

Remove the most recently added site from buffer.

Return the removed site.

If no sites beside the primary site are attached to buffer, signal an error of type singular-site-error.

Generic Function: rotate-sites [text.editing] buffer direction

Swap roles between the primary site and secondary sites in buffer.

direction controls the direction of the rotation.

If direction is :forward, sites are rotated as follows:

primary          ← first secondary
first secondary  ← second secondary
second secondary ← third secondary
last secondary   ← primary

direction :backward is not supported at the moment

If no sites beside the primary site are attached to buffer, signal an error of type singular-site-error.

Generic Function: other-sites [text.editing] buffer

Return the sequence of all sites which are attached to buffer except the primary site.

Generic Function: remove-other-sites [text.editing] buffer

Remove all sites from buffer except the primary site.

3.5 Operation Protocol

Generic Function: perform [text.editing] target operation &rest operation-arguments

Perform operation with operation-arguments in or on target.

target is the object in or at or on which the operation should be performed such as a buffer or a cursor.

operation designates a function which performs the desired operation when called with a target object (not necessarily target) as the first argument. The target object in the call to operation may be different from target when methods on this generic function translate an operation on one target object to one or more operations on other target objects. For example, an operation on a buffer is commonly translated to one operation on each site of the buffer and further to one operation on the point cursor of each site of the buffer.

operation-arguments is a list of additional arguments that should be passed to the function designated by operation.

This function generally returns the values returned by the operation call. Similarly, calls to this function may signal any condition that may be signaled by the operation call. However, if target is a buffer and multiple sites exist, a different convention may be used in order to return one result for each site or bundle conditions for multiple sites in a single condition (see Multiple Sites Protocol).

3.6 Movement and Editing Protocol

note: The operations described in this section can be invoked by calling the respective generic function. However, a more flexible way which, for example, handles multiple sites correctly is the Operation Protocol. The following code invokes an operation operation via that protocol

(text.editing:perform buffer 'operation unit direction other-arguments)

3.6.1 Motion Operations

Generic Function: move [text.editing] cursor unit direction

Move cursor to the beginning or end of the sub-sequence of buffer items indicated by unit.

cursor is an attached Cluffer cursor.

unit is a unit of movement such as item or word.

If direction is :forward, cursor moves to the end of the sub-sequence. If direction is :backward, cursor moves to the beginning of the sub-sequence.

Generic Function: back-to-indentation [text.editing] cursor

Move cursor to the first column of the current line that contains a non-whitespace item.

3.6.2 Insertion Operations

Generic Function: insert-item [text.editing] cursor item

Insert item at cursor.

Generic Function: insert-newline [text.editing] cursor

Split the current line at the position of cursor.

Generic Function: insert-items [text.editing] cursor items &key start end

Insert the items in items at cursor.

start and end, when supplied, select a sub-sequence of items.

3.6.3 Deletion Operations

Generic Function: delete [text.editing] cursor unit direction

Delete the sub-sequence of buffer items indicated by cursor, unit and direction.

cursor is an attached Cluffer cursor.

unit is a unit of movement such as item or word.

direction is either :forward or :backward.

Generic Function: delete-indentation [text.editing] cursor

Join previous and current line, delete whitespace before and after cursor.

Keep a single space character unless the delete placed cursor on an empty line.

Generic Function: delete-trailing-whitespace [text.editing] cursor

Delete trailing whitespace from buffer lines.

cursor determines the first line to be processed. All subsequent lines to the end of the buffer are processed after that.

Generic Function: fixup-whitespace [text.editing] cursor

Delete consecutive whitespace before and after cursor in the current line.

Keep a single space character unless the deletion placed cursor at the beginning of the line.

3.6.4 Items Functions

The following convenience function allow easy retrieval and mutation of sub-sequences of buffer items:

Generic Function: map-items [text.editing] function cursor unit direction

Call function with each item in the sub-sequence of buffer items indicated by cursor, unit and direction.

Generic Function: items [text.editing] cursor unit direction

Return a cl:sequence containing the sub-sequence of buffer items indicated by cursor, unit and direction.

Generic Function: (setf items) [text.editing] new-value cursor unit direction

Replace the sub-sequence of buffer items indicated by cursor, unit and direction by the items in the cl:sequence new-value.

3.6.5 Marking Operations

The mark protocol contains operations for managing different aspects of the mark cursor of a site:

  • The mark cursor can be set or not.
  • A set mark cursor can be active or inactive. When the mark is active, the point cursor and mark cursor define the region of the site.
  • A mark stack stores previous locations of the mark cursor.
Generic Function: mark-or-error [text.editing] object

Return the mark cursor of object or signal an error.

If the mark cursor of object is not set, signal an error of type mark-not-set-error.

Generic Function: activate-mark [text.editing] site

Set the state of the mark cursor of site to active.

Signal an error of type mark-not-set-error if the mark of site is not set.

Generic Function: deactivate-mark [text.editing] site

Set the state of the mark cursor of site to inactive.

Generic Function: set-mark [text.editing] site

Set the mark cursor of site to the position of the point cursor.

Push the current mark cursor, if any, onto the mark stack, set a new mark cursor and move it to the position of the point cursor. Activate the mark.

Return the new mark cursor.

Generic Function: set-mark-or-toggle-active [text.editing] site

Set the mark cursor of site or toggle its active state.

If the previous command was not set-mark-or-toggle-active, then push the current mark cursor of site onto the mark stack, set a new mark cursor and move it to the position of the point cursor.

If the previous command was set-mark-or-toggle-active, then toggle the active state of the mark cursor of site.

Return two values: a Boolean which indicates whether a new mark cursor was set and another Boolean which indicates whether the mark is active.

Generic Function: pop-mark [text.editing] site

Pop a mark off the mark stack of site and move the point cursor to it.

Destroy the current mark of site, if any.

Return the popped mark cursor.

Signal an error of type mark-stack-empty if the mark stack of site is empty.

Generic Function: exchange-point-and-mark [text.editing] site

Exchange the locations of point and mark of site.

Signal an error of type mark-not-set-error if the mark of site is not set.

Generic Function: mark-object [text.editing] site unit direction

Set region of site according to unit and direction.

Leave the point cursor of site at its current location. Ensure the mark is set and active (see below) and move the mark cursor according to unit and direction.

If the mark of site is not set, set a new mark cursor at the location of the point cursor and activate it. Then apply the motion according to unit and direction.

If the mark of site is set but not active, activate the mark cursor and move it to the location of the point cursor. Then apply the motion according to unit and direction.

If the mark of site is set and active, just apply the motion according to unit and direction. This last case allows extending the region by marking subsequent objects.

3.6.6 Copy and Yank Operations

The copy and yank protocol offers higher-level functions that implement typical copy and yank operations which abstract from the details of the lower-level Insertion Stack Protocol.

Generic Function: yank [text.editing] site direction &key pop

Insert top insertion stack entry of site at the point of site.

Insert the items from the top entry of the insertion stack of site before or after the point cursor of site.

direction controls whether the items are inserted before or after the point cursor, or equivalently, whether the point cursor moves to the beginning or end of the inserted items after the insertion.

pop controls whether the top entry of the insertion stack should be popped off.

Generic Function: copy [text.editing] site unit direction

Copy items according at site according to unit and direction.

The items indicated by the point cursor of site, unit and direction are copied into either the current top entry of the insertion stack of site or a new entry that is first pushed onto the insertion stack.

Whether a new entry should be created is decided according to an internal protocol that may be exported at some later time.

3.6.7 Case Changing Operations

Generic Function: change-case [text.editing] cursor unit direction case

Change the case of the sub-sequence of buffer items indicated by cursor, unit and direction according to case.

cursor is an attached Cluffer cursor.

unit is a unit of movement such as item, word, or expression.

direction is either :forward or :backward.

case has to be one of :down, :up or :capital.

The case of an item is changed by calling cl:char-downcase if case is :down, cl:char-upcase if case is :up and in a fashion analogous to cl:string-capitalize if case is capital.

3.6.8 Transposing Operations

Generic Function: transpose [text.editing] cursor unit direction

Exchange the sequences of items defined by unit before and after cursor.

If cursor is within a unit, it is first moved to the boundary of that unit according to direction.

direction is either :forward or :backward and controls where cursor is positioned after the operation.

3.6.9 Filling Operations

Generic Function: insert-words-fill [text.editing] cursor words &key prefix suffix per-line-prefix fill-column

Insert words at cursor with added line breaks according to fill-column.

words is a sequence of strings.

Each of prefix, suffix and per-line-prefix is a string if supplied.

fill-column, if supplied, is positive integer. If not supplied, fill-column defaults to the value of text.editing:*fill-column* which in turn is bound to 80 by default.

Roughly proceed as follows:

  1. If it has been supplied, insert the prefix string.
  2. For each string in words
    • If inserting the string at the current location would exceed fill-column, insert a line break and, if it has been supplied, insert the per-line-prefix string.
    • Unless the string is just punctuation, insert a space.
    • Insert the string.
  3. If it has been supplied, insert the suffix string.
Generic Function: fill-words [text.editing] start-cursor end-cursor words &key prefix suffix per-line-prefix fill-column

Replace the region between start-cursor and end-cursor by filling with words.

words is a sequence of strings.

prefix, suffix, per-line-prefix and fill-column behave as described for insert-words-fill.

3.6.10 Commenting Operations

Generic Function: comment [text.editing] cursor unit direction &key comment-syntax

Comment buffer items at or around cursor according to unit and direction.

comment-syntax, if supplied, has to be a string which specifies the comment syntax to use. The default is ;; if unit is line and #| otherwise.

Generic Function: uncomment [text.editing] cursor unit direction

Uncomment buffer items at or around cursor according to unit and direction.

3.6.11 Operations on Delimiter Pairs

The operations described in this section together with the operations of the expressions module allow structural editing of buffer contents in the sense that they transform a given buffer text that is syntactically valid to a new buffer text that is also syntactically valid. This is in contrast to general operations such as deleting a single item: Consider deleting a single item in the buffer text (length "hi"). If the deleted item is the (, the ) or either of the ", the resulting buffer text is no longer a syntactically valid s-expression. In this example, deletion operations that preserve the validity can, for example, delete both characters of the () and "" pairs simultaneously once the items in between have been deleted or delete the respective delimiter pair in a single operation, thus “raising” the formerly surrounded items up one level of expression nesting:

(length "hi") ⇒ (length "") ⇒ (length ) ⇒ () ⇒
(length "hi") ⇒ length "hi"

The above examples illustrate two kinds of operations:

  • The first kind are operations which are intended as structure-preserving variants of “ordinary” operations, mainly of insertion and deletion operations since those affect the structural validity when applied to delimiter characters. These operations are described in the following section.
  • The second kind, of which the “raising” operation is one example, consider the buffer text as an expression tree and perform modifications on that tree. Those operations are described as a part of the expressions module (see Expression Operations).
Class: no-closing-delimiter-error [text.editing]

This error is signaled when an operation that requires a closing delimiter item is performed on a cursor that is not located at or near such an item.

Generic Function: insert-delimiter-pair [text.editing] cursor opening &key closing

Insert the delimiter character opening before cursor and insert the delimiter character closing after cursor.

If closing is not supplied, the closing delimiter character is determined by looking up the pair that has opening as the opening delimiter character in the set of known delimiter pairs.

The return value of this function is unspecified.

This function is intended to be used as a structure-preserving replacement for “ordinary” operations that insert an opening delimiter: When a user performs the operation for inserting the opening delimiter, operations for inserting some content and the operation for inserting the closing delimiter, the first operation has to insert both delimiters to avoid unbalanced delimiters:

| ⇒ (|) ⇒ … ⇒ (foo|) ⇒ (foo)|

With this editing model, it is not allowed to insert an opening delimiter by itself. This is also true for closing delimiters (see move-past-closing-delimiter)

Generic Function: maybe-move-past-closing-delimiter [text.editing] cursor closing &key whitespace

If the item after cursor is equal to the character closing, move cursor forward past the closing delimiter.

whitespace which must be either nil or :move-past or :delete controls the behavior in case there are whitespace items between cursor and the item that is equal to closing. If whitespace is nil and there are such items, cursor does not move. If whitespace is :move-past, cursor moves past the whitespace items and past the closing delimiter. If whitespace is :delete, the whitespace items are deleted, and cursor is moved passed the closing delimiter.

Return true if cursor has moved and false otherwise.

Generic Function: move-past-closing-delimiter [text.editing] cursor closing &key whitespace

If the item after cursor is equal to the character closing, move cursor forward past the closing delimiter.

whitespace controls the behavior in case cursor is separated from the closing delimiter by whitespace. See maybe-move-past-closing-delimiter for details.

The return value of this function is unspecified.

If the item after cursor, either immediately after or the first non-whitespace item after, is not equal to cursor, signal an error of type no-closing-delimiter-error.

This function is intended to be used as a structure-preserving replacement for “ordinary” operations that insert an “heterogeneous” (that is, for example ) but not ") closing delimiter: When a user performs the operation for inserting the opening delimiter, operations for inserting some content and the operation for inserting the closing delimiter, the first operation has to insert both delimiters and the final operation simply has to move past the closing delimiter:

| ⇒ (|) ⇒ … ⇒ (foo|) ⇒ (foo)|

With this editing model, it is never necessary and in fact never allowed to insert a closing delimiter by itself which is why this function signals an error if there is no closing delimiter to move past. This is also true for opening delimiters (see insert-delimiter-pair).

Generic Function: move-past-closing-delimiter-or-insert-delimiter-pair [text.editing] cursor delimiter &key whitespace

If the item after cursor is equal to the character delimiter, move cursor forward past the (assumed to be) closing delimiter. If the item after cursor is not equal to the character delimiter, insert delimiter before cursor and insert delimiter after cursor.

whitespace controls the behavior in case cursor is separated from the closing delimiter by whitespace. See maybe-move-past-closing-delimiter for details.

Return true if a pair of delimiters has been inserted and false otherwise.

This function is intended to be used as a structure-preserving replacement for “ordinary” operations that insert a “homogeneous” (that is, for example " but not )) delimiter: When a user performs the operation for inserting delimiter, operations for inserting some content and the operation for inserting delimiter again, the first operation has to insert delimiter twice and the final operation simply has move past the second delimiter:

| ⇒ "|" ⇒ … ⇒ "foo|" ⇒ "foo"|

With this editing model, it is never necessary and in fact never allowed to insert a single delimiter by itself which is why this function inserts a delimiter pair if there is no closing delimiter to move past.


  (move-past-closing-delimiter-or-insert-delimiter-pair cursor #\") in
⇒ "foo"|

  (move-past-closing-delimiter-or-insert-delimiter-pair cursor #\") in
  (length |)
⇒ (length "|")
Generic Function: delete-delimiter-pair-or-item [text.editing] cursor direction &key if-not-empty

If there is one, delete the pair of delimiter characters which contains cursor. Otherwise delete an item in direction.

In this context, a delimiter pair contains cursor, if either the delimiter characters surround cursor or if direction is :forward and the opening delimiter is the item after cursor or if direction is :backward and the closing delimiter is the item before cursor.

if-not-empty controls the behavior in case the operation is applied to a delimiter pair that is not empty in the sense that the opening and the closing delimiter surround other buffer items:


Do nothing, do not move cursor and do not delete any items.


Move cursor past the “obstructing” delimiter and into the delimited content so that subsequent deletion operations will delete the content item by item until the delimited content is empty and the delimiter pair can be deleted.


Do not move cursor but delete one item from the content that is delimited by the “obstructing” delimiter. This behavior can be repeated until the delimited content is empty and the delimiter pair can be deleted.


Call the supplied function with two arguments, cursor and an description of the “obstacle” which is either :outside or :inside. The function can delete items near cursor or move cursor as appropriate.

The return value of this function is unspecified.

This function is intended to be used as a structure-preserving replacement for “ordinary” operations that delete a single item: If the to-be-deleted item is a closing delimiter or an opening delimiter, the “opposite” delimiter has to be deleted in the same operation to maintain delimiter balance. If the to-be-deleted item is not a delimiter, the task can be delegated to the “ordinary” deletion operation.


(delete-delimiter-pair-or-item cursor :forward) in
⇒ |

(delete-delimiter-pair-or-item cursor :forward) in
⇒ |

(delete-delimiter-pair-or-item cursor :forward :if-not-empty if-not-empty) in
⇒ (foo|)  when if-not-empty is nil
⇒ (foo)|  when if-not-empty is :move-past
⇒ (fo|)   when if-not-empty is :delete-inside

(delete-delimiter-pair-or-item cursor :forward :if-not-empty if-not-empty) in
⇒ |(foo)  when if-not-empty is nil
⇒ (|foo)  when if-not-empty is :move-past
⇒ |(oo)   when if-not-empty is :delete-inside
Generic Function: surround-with-delimiter-pair [text.editing] cursor unit direction opening &key closing count

Surround the item sequence between cursor and the location that would result from moving cursor count times by unit in direction with the delimiters opening and closing.

If supplied, closing is a character that should be used as the closing delimiter of the pair. If closing is not supplied, the result of evaluating (closing-delimiter opening) is used.

If supplied, count controls how many units as indicated by unit should be surrounded by the inserted delimiters. If count is not supplied, a single unit is used.

The return value of this function is unspecified.


(surround-with-delimiter-pair cursor word :forward #\") in
  |foo bar
⇒ "|foo" bar

(surround-with-delimiter-pair cursor word :forward #\" :count 2) in
  |foo bar
⇒ "|foo bar"

(surround-with-delimiter-pair cursor word :backward #\( :count 2) in
  foo bar| baz
⇒ (foo bar|) baz

5 Expressions

5.1 Expressions Concepts

This module adds support for operating on expressions which are basically nodes in a (concrete) syntax tree constructed by clients of this library from the text of the buffer. To this end, the module defines two units: expression and toplevel-expression, the semantics of which depend on the implementations of two protocols that clients of this library must provide, for example by parsing the source code of a buffer and constructing a (concrete) syntax tree. The expression-based units work with the usual operations for motion, deletion and so on. In addition, this module provides specialized operations such as splitting and joining that work with the expression-based units.

The concept of an expression must appear very vague at this point and this vagueness is in part intrinsic since the exact nature of expressions for a given buffer is defined, as mentioned above, by the client. However, we can still make the concept as concrete as possible by defining that an expression is a node in a tree and has the following properties

  • A start location which is a buffer location expressed as a line number and a column number.
  • An end location which is a buffer location that is expressed as a line number and a column number and follows the start location.
  • A possibly empty sequence of child expressions such that:
    • For each child expression the start and end locations are within the buffer delimited by the start and end location of the parent expression.
    • for a child c2 that follows a child c1 in the sequence of children, the start location of c2 must be equal to or greater than the end location of c1 .

The following figure shows an example buffer text and a possible expression tree for that text:


Figure 5.1: Example buffer text and a possible expression tree for that text. Corresponding parts are indicated by matching colors. Child nodes should be considered from left to right.

5.2 Expressions Dictionary

5.2.1 Expression Conditions

Class: cursor-not-inside-expression-error [text.editing.expression]

This error is signaled when an operation that requires an expression which contains cursor is attempted and no such expression exists.

Class: no-expression-after-cursor-error [text.editing.expression]

This error is signaled when an operation that requires an expression after the cursor is attempted and no such expression exists.

Class: no-expression-before-cursor-error [text.editing.expression]

This error is signaled when an operation that requires an expression before the cursor is attempted and no such expression exists.

Class: expression-at-toplevel-error [text.editing.expression]

This error is signaled when an operation that requires a non-toplevel expression before or after the cursor is attempted and no such expression exists.

Class: expression-does-not-have-children-error [text.editing.expression]

This error is signaled when an operation that requires an expression with children is attempted on an expression that does not have any children.

Class: no-expression-after-expression-error [text.editing.expression]

This error is signaled when an operation that requires an expression after some designated expression is attempted and no such expression exists.

Class: no-expression-before-expression-error [text.editing.expression]

This error is signaled when an operation that requires an expression before some designated expression is attempted and no such expression exists.

5.2.2 Expression Node Protocol

The purpose of the expression node protocol is to allow this library to inspect nodes of an expression tree that is constructed and managed by a client of this library. Accordingly, this library does not define methods on the following generic functions. Instead, clients are expected to define methods that are suitable for the expression representation used by the respective client.

Generic Function: range [text.editing.expression] expression

Return the source range, that is the start and end buffer positions, of expression as four values

  1. The start line number of expression
  2. The start column number of expression
  3. The end line number of expression
  4. The end column number of expression
Generic Function: children [text.editing.expression] expression

Return a possibly empty sequence of child expressions of expression. The elements of the returned sequence are ordered according to their respective start locations and do not overlap.

5.2.3 Expression Tree Protocol

The purpose of the expression tree protocol is to allow this library to query an expression tree that is constructed and managed by a client of this library. Accordingly, this library does not define all required methods on the following generic functions. Instead, clients are expected to define methods (or at least one method) that are suitable for the expression tree representation used by the respective client. For this protocol, it is sufficient for each client to define a method that is suitable for the respective expression tree presentation on the generic function map-expressions-containing-cursor-using-buffer.

For the description of the protocol functions in this section, we need the following definition: Let rs , the start relation, and re , the end relation, be either < or respectively. An expression with start location s and end location e contains a cursor c with respect to rs and re iff rs(s,c) re(c,e) .

Generic Function: map-expressions-containing-cursor [text.editing.expression] function cursor syntax-tree &key start-relation end-relation

Call function for each expression in the buffer of cursor that contains cursor with respect to start-relation and end-relation. The return value of this function is unspecified. For more information about the parameters and behavior, see map-expressions-containing-cursor-using-buffer.

The default method on this generic function calls map-expressions-containing-cursor-using-buffer with the buffer that cursor is associated with.

Generic Function: map-expressions-containing-cursor-using-buffer [text.editing.expression] function buffer cursor syntax-tree &key start-relation end-relation

Call function for each expression in buffer that contains cursor with respect to start-relation and end-relation. If multiple expressions contain cursor, the call for a given expression precedes the calls for the ancestors of that expression in the expression tree, that is innermost or leaf expressions are processed first, outermost or toplevel expressions are processed last.

syntax-tree selects the syntax tree in which expressions should be considered. For example, the buffer of cursor may have an associated concrete syntax tree and also an abstract syntax tree.

Both start-relation and end-relation which must be either the symbol < or the symbol <= select the respective relation.

The return value of this function is unspecified.

Generic Function: expressions-containing-cursor [text.editing.expression] cursor syntax-tree &key start-relation end-relation count

Return a possibly empty sequence of expressions in the buffer of cursor that contain cursor with respect to start-relation and end-relation. If count is supplied, its value must be a non-negative integer. In that case, the number of elements in the returned sequence is limited to that number. For more information about the behavior and the other parameters, see map-expressions-containing-cursor-using-buffer.

The default method on this generic function calls map-expressions-containing-cursor and collects the provided expressions, stopping when count expressions have been collected if applicable.

Function: innermost-expression-containing-cursor [text.editing.expression] cursor syntax-tree &key start-relation end-relation

Return the innermost expression in the buffer of cursor that contains cursor with respect to start-relation and end-relation or nil if there is no such expression. For more information about the behavior and the other parameters, see map-expressions-containing-cursor-using-buffer.

Function: outermost-expression-containing-cursor [text.editing.expresssion] cursor syntax-tree &key start-relation end-relation

Return the outermost expression in the buffer of cursor that contains cursor with respect to start-relation and end-relation or nil if there is no such expression. For more information about the behavior and the other parameters, see map-expressions-containing-cursor-using-buffer.

5.2.4 Expression Operations

The operations described in this section are designed to, in conjunctions with the operations on delimiter pairs, enable structural editing of buffer contents.

Generic Function: raise [text.editing.expression] cursor unit direction

Raise the innermost expression e which contains, follows or precedes cursor by deleting the buffer items that make up the parent of e and the siblings of e but preserving the buffer items that make up e .

unit must be expression at the moment.

direction which must be either :forward or :backward controls whether the expression e should follow or precede cursor.

The return value of this function is unspecified.

After the operation, cursor resides in the same relative location with respect to the preserved buffer item as before the operation.

When there is no such expression, signal no-expression-after-cursor-error or no-expression-before-cursor-error, depending on direction.


(raise cursor expression :forward) in
  1 2 (3 4 |5 6) 7 8
⇒ 1 2 |5 7 8

(raise cursor expression :backward) in
  1 2 (3 4 |5 6) 7 8
⇒ 1 2 |5 7 8
Generic Function: splice [text.editing.expression] cursor unit direction

Splice expressions e1 to en that follow or precede cursor by replacing the buffer items that make up the expression which contains cursor with the buffer items that make up e1 to en .

unit must be expression at the moment.

If direction is :forward, expressions that follow cursor are preserved. If direction is :backward, expressions that precede cursor are preserved. If direction is nil, expressions that follow and precede cursor are preserved.

The return value of this function is unspecified.

After the operation, cursor resides in the same relative location with respect to the preserved buffer items as before the operation.

When there is no such expression, signal cursor-not-inside-expression-error.


(splice cursor expression nil) in
  1 2 (3 4 |5 6) 7 8
⇒ 1 2 3 4 |5 6 7 8

(splice cursor expression :forward) in
  1 2 (3 4 |5 6) 7 8
⇒ 1 2 |5 6 7 8

(splice cursor expression :backward) in
  1 2 (3 4 |5 6) 7 8
⇒ 1 2 3 4| 7 8
Generic Function: split [text.editing.expression] cursor unit

Split the innermost expression or toplevel expression e that contains cursor by inserting the a copy of the buffer items that make up the closing delimiter of e before cursor and a copy of the buffer items that make up the opening delimiter of e after cursor.

If unit is expression, e is the innermost expression that contains cursor. If unit is toplevel-expression, e is the toplevel expression that contains cursor. Other values of unit are not supported at the moment.

The return value of this function is unspecified.

After the operation, cursor resides between the buffer items that make up the two new expressions.

When there is no such expression, signal cursor-not-inside-expression-error.


(split cursor expression) in
  (1 (2 |3) 4)
⇒ (1 (2 )|(3) 4)

(split cursor toplevel-expression) in
  (1 (2 |3) 4)
⇒ (1 (2 ))|((3) 4)
Generic Function: join [text.editing.expression] cursor unit

Join the innermost expressions e1 and e2 that precede and follow cursor respectively by deleting the buffer items that make up the closing delimiter of e1 and the buffer items that make up the opening delimiter of e2 .

unit must be expression at the moment.

The return value of this function is unspecified.

After the operation, cursor resides between the buffer items that make up the two child expressions of the joined expressions that were the last and first child of e1 and e2 respectively.

When there is no expression either following or preceding cursor, signal no-expression-after-cursor-error or no-expression-before-cursor-error, respectively.


(join cursor expression) in
  (1 2) |(3 4)
⇒ (1 2 |3 4)
Generic Function: eject [text.editing.expression] cursor unit direction

Assuming an expression e (or possibly other unit as specified by unit) contains cursor, depending on direction, move the last child of e after the end of e or move the first child of e before the start of e .

unit must be expression at the moment.

direction must be either :forward or :backward. If direction is :forward, move the last child of e after the end of e . If direction is :backward, move the first child of e before the start of e

After the operation, cursor is still contained in e .

If cursor is not contained in any expression, signal cursor-not-inside-expression-error. If the expression e does not have any children, signal expression-does-not-have-children-error.


(eject cursor expression :forward) in
  (1 2 3 4|)
⇒ (1 2 3|) 4

(eject cursor expression :backward) in
  (1 2 |3 4)
⇒ 1 (2 |3 4)
Generic Function: absorb [text.editing.expression] cursor unit direction

Assuming an expression e contains cursor and a “target” expression t follows or precedes e , depending on direction, move t into e .

  • If e is a toplevel expression, try to find the target expression before or after e in the sequence of toplevel expressions.
  • If e is not toplevel expression, try to find the target expression before or after e in the children of p , the parent of e . If there is no suitable target expression among the children of p , repeat the process with p instead of e . In other words, look for a suitable target expression before or after each ancestor of e proceeding from the innermost expression (which is e ) to the toplevel ancestor of e .

unit must be expression at the moment.

direction must be either :forward or :backward. If direction is :forward, move a “target” expression that follows e into e as the last child. If direction is :backward, move a “target” expression that precedes e into e as the first child.

After the operation, cursor is at the same location relative to the unmodified boundary of e as before.

If cursor is not contained in any expression, signal cursor-not-inside-expression-error. When there is no expression either following or preceding (an ancestor of) e , signal no-expression-after-expression-error or no-expression-before-expression-error, respectively.


(absorb cursor expression :forward) in
  (1 2 | 3) 4
⇒ (1 2 | 3 4)

(absorb cursor expression :backward) in
  1 (|2 3 4)
⇒ (1 |2 3 4)
Generic Function: delete-semi-line-or-expressions [text.editing.expression] cursor direction

For cursor located on line l , delete to either the end of l or to the end of some expression which starts on l so that delimiters are kept balanced.

direction controls whether to delete from cursor towards the end of the line or towards the beginning of the line. At the moment, direction has to be :forward.


(delete-semi-line-or-expressions cursor :forward) in
  (1 |2 (3 4) 5)
⇒ (1 |)

(delete-semi-line-or-expressions cursor :forward) in
  (1 |2 (3
⇒ (1 |

(delete-semi-line-or-expressions cursor :forward) in
  1 |2 (3
⇒ 1 |

6 Equivalent Emacs Commands

6.1 Motion

OperationUnitDirectionEquivalent Emacs Command
edit:moveedit:item:forwardforward-char (C-f)
edit:moveedit:item:backwardbackward-char (C-b)
edit:moveedit:line:forwardnext-line (C-n)
edit:moveedit:line:backwardprevious-line (C-p)
edit:moveedit:line-boundary:forwardend-of-line (C-a)
edit:moveedit:line-boundary:backwardbeginning-of-line (C-e)
edit:moveedit:buffer-boundary:forwardend-of-buffer (M->)
edit:moveedit:buffer-boundary:backwardbeginning-of-buffer (M-<)
edit:moveedit:word:forwardforward-word (M-f)
edit:moveedit:word:backwardbackward-word (M-b)
edit:moveedit:sentence:forwardforward-sentence (M-e)
edit:moveedit:sentence:backwardbackward-sentence (M-a)
edit:moveedit:paragraph:forwardforward-paragraph (M-})
edit:moveedit:paragraph:backwardbackward-paragraph (M-{)
edit:moveedit::page:forwardforward-page (C-x ])
edit:moveedit::page:backwardbackward-page (C-x [)
edit:movetext.editing.expression:expression:forwardforward-sexp (C-M-f)
edit:movetext.editing.expression:expression:backwardbackward-sexp (C-M-b)
edit:movetext.editing.expression:toplevel-expression:forwardend-of-defun (C-M-e)
edit:movetext.editing.expression:toplevel-expression:backwardbeginning-of-defun (C-M-a)

6.2 Deletion

OperationUnitDirectionEquivalent Emacs Command
edit:deleteedit:region:forwardkill-region beg end
edit:deleteedit:region:backwardkill-region beg end
edit:deleteedit:item:forwarddelete-char 1 (C-d)
edit:deleteedit:item:backwarddelete-backward-char 1 (<backspace>)
edit:deleteedit:line:forwardkill-line (C-k)
edit:deleteedit:line:backwardkill-line (with 0 prefix (C-0 C-k))
edit:deleteedit:semi-line:forwardkill-line (C-k)
edit:deleteedit:semi-line:backwardkill-line 0 (with 0 prefix (C-0 C-k))
edit:deleteedit:word:forwardkill-word 1 (M-d)
edit:deleteedit:word:backwardbackward-kill-word 1 (M-<backspace>)
edit:deleteedit:sentence:forwardkill-sentence (M-k)
edit:deleteedit:sentence:backwardbackward-kill-sentence (C-x DEL)
edit:deleteedit:paragraph:forwardkill-paragraph 1
edit:deleteedit:paragraph:backwardbackward-kill-paragraph 1
edit:deletetext.editing.expression:expression:forwardkill-sexp 1 (C-M-k)
edit:deletetext.editing.expression:expression:backwardbackward-kill-sexp 1 (C-M-<backspace>)
OperationEquivalent Emacs Command
OperationEquivalent Emacs Command

6.3 Marking

OperationUnitDirectionEquivalent Emacs Command
edit:mark-objectedit:buffer:forwardmark-whole-buffer (C-x h)
edit:mark-objectedit:word:forwardmark-word (M-@)
edit:mark-objectedit:paragraph:forwardmark-paragraph (M-h)
edit:mark-objectedit::page:forwardmark-page (C-x C-p)
edit:mark-objecttext.editing.expression:expression:forwardmark-sexp (C-M-@)
edit:mark-objecttext.editing.expression:toplevel-expression:forwardmark-defun (C-M-h)

6.4 Transformation

OperationUnitDirectionCaseEquivalent Emacs Command
edit:change-caseedit:region:forward:upupcase-region beg end (C-x C-u)
edit:change-caseedit:region:forward:downdowncase-region beg end (C-x C-l)
edit:change-caseedit:region:forward:capitalcapitalize-region beg end
edit:change-caseedit:item:forward:upupcase-char 1 (Emacs does not move point)
edit:change-caseedit:item:forward:downdowncase-char 1 (Emacs does not move point)
edit:change-caseedit:item:forward:capitalcapitalize-char 1 (Emacs does not move point)
edit:change-caseedit:word:forward:upupcase-word 1 (M-u)
edit:change-caseedit:word:forward:downdowncase-word 1 (M-l)
edit:change-caseedit:word:forward:capitalcapitalize-word 1 (M-c)
OperationUnitDirectionEquivalent Emacs Command
edit:transposeedit:item:forwardtranspose-chars 1 (C-t)
edit:transposeedit:line:forwardtranspose-lines (C-x C-t)
edit:transposeedit:word:forwardtranspose-words 1 (M-t)
edit:transposeedit:sentence:forwardtranspose-sentences 1
edit:transposeedit:paragraph:forwardtranspose-paragraphs 1
edit:transposetext.editing.expression:expression:forwardtranspose-sexps (C-M-t)

6.5 Structure Editing

OperationUnitEquivalent Emacs Command
"not implemented""not implemented"paredit-wrap-sexp argument open close
OperationUnitEquivalent Emacs Command
text.editing.expression:raisetext.editing.expression:expressionparedit-raise-sexp (M-r)
OperationUnitEquivalent Emacs Command
text.editing.expression:splicetext.editing.expression:expressionparedit-splice-sexp (M-s)
OperationUnitEquivalent Emacs Command
text.editing.expression:splittext.editing.expression:expressionparedit-split-sexp (M-S)
OperationUnitEquivalent Emacs Command
text.editing.expression:jointext.editing.expression:expressionparedit-join-sexp (M-J)
OperationUnitDirectionEquivalent Emacs Command
text.editing.expression:ejecttext.editing.expression:expression:forwardparedit-forward-barf-sexp (C-<left>)
text.editing.expression:ejecttext.editing.expression:expression:backwardparedit-backward-barf-sexp (C-M-<right>)
OperationUnitDirectionEquivalent Emacs Command
text.editing.expression:absorbtext.editing.expression:expression:forwardparedit-forward-slurp-sexp (C-<right>) (Emacs moves point differently)
text.editing.expression:absorbtext.editing.expression:expression:backwardparedit-backward-slurp-sexp (C-M-<left>) (Emacs moves point differently)

Concept index

Jump to:   B   C   D   E   I   L   M   O   P   R   S   T   U   W  
Index Entry  Section

buffer: Concepts
buffer unit: Built-in Units
buffer-boundary unit: Built-in Units

cursor: Concepts

delimiter pair: Operations on Delimiter Pairs

expression: Expressions Concepts
expression unit: Built-in Units

incremental search: Search
insertion stack: Concepts
insertion stack: Insertion Stack Protocol
item unit: Built-in Units

line unit: Built-in Units
line-boundary unit: Built-in Units

mark: Concepts
mark stack: Concepts

operation: Concepts
ordinary search: Search

page unit: Built-in Units
paragraph unit: Built-in Units
point: Concepts
primary site: Concepts
primary site: Primary Site Protocol

region: Concepts
region unit: Built-in Units
region-or-expression unit: Built-in Units
region-or-item unit: Built-in Units

secondary site: Concepts
semi-buffer unit: Built-in Units
semi-line unit: Built-in Units
sentence unit: Built-in Units
site: Concepts
site: Site Protocol
structure editing: Operations on Delimiter Pairs
structure editing: Expression Operations

toplevel-expression unit: Built-in Units

unit: Concepts

word unit: Built-in Units

Jump to:   B   C   D   E   I   L   M   O   P   R   S   T   U   W  

Function and macro and variable and type index

Jump to:   (  
A   B   C   D   E   F   I   J   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   W   Y  
Index Entry  Section

(setf backward) [text.editing]: Insertion Stack Protocol
(setf case-mode) [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
(setf forward) [text.editing]: Insertion Stack Protocol
(setf items) [text.editing]: Items Functions
(setf mark-active-p) [text.editing]: Site Protocol
(setf preferred-column [text.editing)]: Preferred Column Protocol

abort [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
abort-incremental-search [text.editing.search]: Incremental Search Operations
absorb [text.editing.expression]: Expression Operations
activate-mark [text.editing]: Marking Operations
add-match [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
add-site [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol
all-units [text.editing]: Unit Protocol
already-in-incremental-search-error [text.editing.search]: Search Conditions
apply-from-cursor [text.editing]: Unit Protocol

back-to-indentation [text.editing]: Motion Operations
backward [text.editing]: Insertion Stack Protocol
buffer: Built-in Units
buffer-boundary: Built-in Units

case-mode [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
change-case [text.editing]: Case Changing Operations
children [text.editing.expression]: Expression Node Protocol
comment [text.editing]: Commenting Operations
convert-matches-to-sites [text.editing.search]: Incremental Search Operations
copy [text.editing]: Copy and Yank Operations
cursor-not-inside-expression-error [text.editing.expression]: Expression Conditions

deactivate-mark [text.editing]: Marking Operations
delete [text.editing]: Deletion Operations
delete-delimiter-pair-or-item [text.editing]: Operations on Delimiter Pairs
delete-indentation [text.editing]: Deletion Operations
delete-semi-line-or-expressions [text.editing.expression]: Expression Operations
delete-trailing-whitespace [text.editing]: Deletion Operations
description [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
detach [text.editing]: Detach Protocol

eject [text.editing.expression]: Expression Operations
end [text.editing.search]: Match Protocol
entry-count [text.editing]: Insertion Stack Protocol
exchange-point-and-mark [text.editing]: Marking Operations
expression: Built-in Units
expression-at-toplevel-error [text.editing.expression]: Expression Conditions
expression-does-not-have-children-error [text.editing.expression]: Expression Conditions
expressions-containing-cursor [text.editing.expression]: Expression Tree Protocol
extend-query [text.editing.search]: Incremental Search Operations

fill-words [text.editing]: Filling Operations
find-entry [text.editing]: Insertion Stack Protocol
finish [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
finish-incremental-search [text.editing.search]: Incremental Search Operations
fixup-whitespace [text.editing]: Deletion Operations
forward [text.editing]: Insertion Stack Protocol

incremental-search [ext.editing.search]: Incremental Search Operations
initial-matches [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
innermost-expression-containing-cursor [text.editing.expression]: Expression Tree Protocol
insert-delimiter-pair [text.editing]: Operations on Delimiter Pairs
insert-item [text.editing]: Insertion Operations
insert-items [text.editing]: Insertion Operations
insert-newline [text.editing]: Insertion Operations
insert-words-fill [text.editing]: Filling Operations
insertion [text.editing]: Insertion Stack Protocol
insertion-stack [text.editing]: Site Protocol
insertion-stack-empty-error [text.editing]: Insertion Stack Protocol
item: Built-in Units
item-matches-p [text.editing.search]: Match Protocol
item-transformer [text.editing]: Unit Protocol
items [text.editing]: Items Functions

join [text.editing.expression]: Expression Operations

line: Built-in Units
line-boundary: Built-in Units

map-expressions-containing-cursor [text.editing.expression]: Expression Tree Protocol
map-expressions-containing-cursor-using-buffer [text.editing.expression]: Expression Tree Protocol
map-items [text.editing]: Items Functions
map-matches [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
map-sites [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol
mark [text.editing]: Site Protocol
mark-active-p [text.editing]: Site Protocol
mark-object [text.editing]: Marking Operations
mark-or-error [text.editing]: Marking Operations
mark-stack [text.editing]: Site Protocol
match [text.editing.search]: Site Search State Protocol
match-count [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
matches [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
maybe-move-past-closing-delimiter [text.editing]: Operations on Delimiter Pairs
most-recent-operation [text.editing]: Operation History Protocol
move [text.editing]: Motion Operations
move-past-closing-delimiter [text.editing]: Operations on Delimiter Pairs
move-past-closing-delimiter-or-insert-delimiter-pair [text.editing]: Operations on Delimiter Pairs
multiple-site-mixin [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol

next [text.editing.search]: Match Protocol
next-match [text.editing.search]: Incremental Search Operations
no-closing-delimiter-error [text.editing]: Operations on Delimiter Pairs
no-expression-after-cursor-error [text.editing.expression]: Expression Conditions
no-expression-after-expression-error [text.editing.expression]: Expression Conditions
no-expression-before-cursor-error [text.editing.expression]: Expression Conditions
no-expression-before-expression-error [text.editing.expression]: Expression Conditions
no-next-match-error [text.editing.search]: Search Conditions
no-previous-match-error [text.editing.search]: Search Conditions
not-in-incremental-search-error [text.editing.search]: Search Conditions

operation-history-mixin [text.editing]: Operation History Protocol
other-sites [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol
outermost-expression-containing-cursor [text.editing.expresssion]: Expression Tree Protocol

page: Built-in Units
paragraph: Built-in Units
perform [text.editing]: Operation Protocol
point [text.editing]: Site Protocol
pop-entry [text.editing]: Insertion Stack Protocol
pop-mark [text.editing]: Marking Operations
pop-site [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol
preferred-column [text.editing]: Preferred Column Protocol
preferred-column-tracking-mixin [text.editing]: Preferred Column Protocol
previous [text.editing.search]: Match Protocol
previous-match [text.editing.search]: Incremental Search Operations
push-entry [text.editing]: Insertion Stack Protocol
push-operation [text.editing]: Operation History Protocol
push-site-at [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol
push-site-relative [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol

query [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol

raise [text.editing.expression]: Expression Operations
range [text.editing.expression]: Expression Node Protocol
rebuild-state [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
region: Built-in Units
region-or-expression: Built-in Units
region-or-item: Built-in Units
remove-match [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
remove-other-sites [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol
remove-site [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol
rotate-sites [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol

search [text.editing.search]: Ordinary Search Operations
search-state [text.editing.search]: Buffer Search State Protocol
search-state-mixin [text.editing.search]: Buffer Search State Protocol
semi-buffer: Built-in Units
semi-line: Built-in Units
sentence: Built-in Units
set-mark [text.editing]: Marking Operations
set-mark-or-toggle-active [text.editing]: Marking Operations
singular-site-error [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol
site [text.editing]: Primary Site Protocol
site-count [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol
site-search-state [text.editing.search]: Site Search State Protocol
sites [text.editing]: Multiple Sites Protocol
splice [text.editing.expression]: Expression Operations
split [text.editing.expression]: Expression Operations
start [text.editing.search]: Search State Protocol
start [text.editing.search]: Match Protocol
start [text.editing.search]: Site Search State Protocol
surround-with-delimiter-pair [text.editing]: Operations on Delimiter Pairs

top-entry [text.editing]: Insertion Stack Protocol
toplevel-expression: Built-in Units
transpose [text.editing]: Transposing Operations
truncate-query [text.editing.search]: Incremental Search Operations

uncomment [text.editing]: Commenting Operations

word: Built-in Units

yank [text.editing]: Copy and Yank Operations

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